Parents & Caregivers 

H-Town Fish Camp is open and free to all incoming 9th graders in the Houston area! CollegeCommunityCareer, Project Grad and the Y are teaming up for a fun virtual experience designed to support student transition into high school and learning in a virtual/autonomous environment.

Daily sessions will feature on-campus resources, mental health, time management, academic tracks and endorsements, leadership development and civic engagement. Please share with students/families in your community!  

H-Town Fish Camp

Tuesday – Friday, August 11-14
2 – 3:30pm

For Parents/Guardians of children Pre-K – 12th grade, get ready for: Four Dimensions College-Career Readiness

Get ready to learn the four keys of college and career readiness to prepare your child for a successful future.

Based on the work of David Conley – “Are They Ready”

Every Monday morning from 11 am to 12 pm is the Spanish webinar where Irene Greaves serves as the interpreter for John Robinson. Every Wednesday 11 am to 12 pm is the English webinar. Greaves and Robinson have been working together for several years now, and Irene Greaves is also the author of “Lovescaping” and facilitates in English and Spanish.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  If you have any technical difficulties, please contact Amanda Hampton, [email protected].

If you have any questions about the program, please contact John Robinson, [email protected].

Greetings BGCGH Supporters: 

Summer is quickly rounding out. We have seen needs increasing in each of our communities. We look forward to your support on the referrals and volunteerism at our club, pantries, and initiatives. We appreciate your ongoing support- Stay Safe!

Family Engagement Program: Financial Resources for Families:

PROJECT GIVES– this program provides emergency food assistance through resource gift cards and direct food access through local restaurants at no charge to the family. For family/client referral please have them apply here or for more information email [email protected] .

Healthy Lifestyles Program: BGCGH Drive Thru Food Pantries:

We still need your assistance for our BGCGH Drive-Thru Pantries.  This week we are in need of volunteer support at 4 of our pantries. Please use this link to sign-up if you are interested

The work will be as SAFE as possible: data recording, packing – boxes/bags, placing bags in trunks or on the sidewalk- all while social distancing, masks (feel free to bring your own face covering as well), and gloves. The respective clubs will be open for employee and volunteers to wash hands, use restroom, and take breaks.  See attached Flyer for dates and times.

Also, please check our website for up-to-date information on all of our efforts .

If you have questions, please let us know. Thanks so much for your support- we appreciate everyone’s help small to big!

CLIMATE CHANGE EMERGENCYCLASS SERIES: SAT. 8/1 AND 8/15 10:00AM – 11:30AM  **ZOOM LIVE CLASSES – Complimentary- Reserve your ticket here.

** Plan to attend both classes to get the most out of the presentations.

CLASS 1: Sat. 8/1: Introduction to Climate Change: The Problems and the Solutions.  Jim Blackburn will present an overview of the problem of climate change that will be the KEY issue facing the world in the 21st Century.  Blackburn will summarize the changes in our Texas and global climate that have been forecast, and he will present a range of solutions that will redefine our current economic, agricultural and industrial models.

Presenter: Jim Blackburn is a Professor in the Practice in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Rice University, co-director of Rice University’s Severe Storm (SSPEED) Center and a Faculty Scholar at Rice’s Baker Institute where he is leading a project to development of a United States standard for storing carbon in the soil of prairies and grasslands. He is both an environmental lawyer and planner and has written two books about the Texas coast with the most recent – A Texan Plan for the Texas Coast –released in October 2017 by Texas A&M Press.  Jim was selected a Rice University Alumni Laureate in 2018.

CLASS 2: Sat. 8/15: Plants and Food in a Changing Climate. This second part of the series focuses on the looming threats to the food supply and reasonable avenues for changing the trajectory explained in Class 1. Reforestation has high potential not only because forests sequester carbon in many ways, but also because they use water to cool the planet and produce more plants. Various efforts to diversify, improve, and localize our food supply are surveyed together with opportunities to support them.

Presenter: Bob Randall, PhD. Dr. Randall is a food systems anthropologist and permaculture designer with a five-decade involvement in food systems both as a researcher, educator, and activist. He helped found and direct Urban Harvest for 14 years and is a board officer of both OHBA-Organic Educators and the Permaculture Institute of North America.  His best-selling 2019 book Year-Round Food Gardening for Houston and Southeast Texas explains how to adjust food plant lists and planting schedules to the ever-warming climate. Dr. Randall has been teaching about ways to reverse climate change since 1999

Recycled Container Garden

Students will learn how to recycle milk/water/juice cartons for gardening. Students will create a garden in their front and/or back yard. Click here for lesson plan.

Financial Literacy: What is Money

This lesson plan provides an understanding and awareness of the value of coins and paper currency. This lesson is targeted to youth K- 2nd.

Outdoor and survival skills lessons

Students will become familiar with 10 essential items for surviving a back country wilderness experience. Students will understand the importance of pre-trip planning and preparation. And students will think critically to identify their 10 COVID-19 personal essentials. Access the full lesson plan here.

STEM lessons and activities

A variety of lesson plans can be found here.