Greetings BGCGH Supporters: 

Summer is quickly rounding out. We have seen needs increasing in each of our communities. We look forward to your support on the referrals and volunteerism at our club, pantries, and initiatives. We appreciate your ongoing support- Stay Safe!

Family Engagement Program: Financial Resources for Families:

PROJECT GIVES– this program provides emergency food assistance through resource gift cards and direct food access through local restaurants at no charge to the family. For family/client referral please have them apply here or for more information email [email protected] .

Healthy Lifestyles Program: BGCGH Drive Thru Food Pantries:

We still need your assistance for our BGCGH Drive-Thru Pantries.  This week we are in need of volunteer support at 4 of our pantries. Please use this link to sign-up if you are interested

The work will be as SAFE as possible: data recording, packing – boxes/bags, placing bags in trunks or on the sidewalk- all while social distancing, masks (feel free to bring your own face covering as well), and gloves. The respective clubs will be open for employee and volunteers to wash hands, use restroom, and take breaks.  See attached Flyer for dates and times.

Also, please check our website for up-to-date information on all of our efforts .

If you have questions, please let us know. Thanks so much for your support- we appreciate everyone’s help small to big!