Get Listed!

List Your Agency
If you are an out-of-school time (OST) provider, please list your agency using the link below. This adds your agency to the Out 2 Learn database and gives your organization the opportunity for exposure to potential partners looking for out-of-school providers.

Please careful read the information below to ensure you are completing the correct form.

Please complete the form in its entirety, providing as much information as possible.
Listing Your Program on the Program Finder Tool (PFT)
Programs that are offered at a fixed time/location (virtual, in-person, and/or hybrid) with no restrictions/open enrollment can be listed on our Program Finder Tool. Select the “We offer this program at specific sites and times” for your program to be listed on the Program Finder Tool.

You can add multiple programs to your program instead of submitting a new form for each type.

To avoid duplicates, please search for your agency on the Program Finder Tool to see what programs are currently listed. If you need to update or modify your program information, please DO NOT submit a new entry. Instead, use the unique profile link to update. You should receive your unique link via email after submitting the form. You may also contact us at [email protected] to receive your unique link.

You may add programs in advance that will occur at a later date as long as the information is valid and includes start dates and times.

If you have any questions or trouble navigating the form, please contact us at [email protected].

Click here to list your program!