Parents & Caregivers 

Change your balance with SaverLife.
flat tire, leaky faucet, airplane ticket
Did you know that 39% of Houstonians are unable to cover an unexpected expense of $400 without going into debt, according to the 2020 Kinder Houston Area Survey?
United Way THRIVE, in partnership with JPMorgan Chase and SaverLife, is launching the Houston Saves campaign focused on helping small business owners and their employees build an emergency savings fund through the SaverLife platform. Every month that an individual saves $30, they are matched $20 – for up to 6 months. Participants will also receive $5 just for signing up!
Due to the impact that the pandemic has had on income and savings among small businesses and their employees, the campaign is focusing on that audience, however anyone who is interested in participating is invited to sign up.

The Center for Safe and Secure Schools is offering free, responsive, and timely professional development on Implicit Bias Awareness. After hearing concerns and data trends from several area school districts regarding disproportionate student discipline infractions, this implicit bias awareness training will be a critical component in establishing and maintaining restorative practices within school discipline approaches to build and enhance school climate and culture. This 8-hour Implicit Bias Awareness Series is a 4-Session Series and will convene on the following dates from 4:00-6:00 p.m.:

Mondays: November 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th (each participant must be present for each session).

Registration is required.

The Center for Safe and Secure Schools is offering this opportunity to participate in this series on a first come, first serve basis.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo

Early childhood has been a top priority for Judge Hidalgo since she entered office. Last week, the Judge proposed and Harris County Commissioners Court approved the Early Childhood Impact Fund (ECIF), which will invest up to $10 million in programs and interventions with significant potential to dramatically improve early childhood outcomes in Harris County. 

We are now reaching out nationally seeking proposals from public, private, and nonprofit entities for both the implementation of ECIF initiatives and, separately, independent evaluation of those efforts:

· Implementation: Request for Proposals (to apply for ECIF funding to launch or expand early childhood initiatives)

· Evaluation: Request for Proposals (to apply to independently evaluate the ECIF-funded initiatives)

We will hold information sessions for each of the Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Sign up by emailing Sandra Melancon with Harris County Purchasing at [email protected], who will share the relevant call-in information.

·        Implementation: Tuesday, November 17th at 2pm (for those interested in applying for ECIF funding, but anyone can attend)

· Evaluation: Thursday, November 19th at 10am (for those interested in applying to serve as independent evaluator, but anyone can attend)

More information can be found here.


1 CPE credit available for each live webinar • Level: Basic • No prerequisites • Free to attend

You and your board members are invited to join the conversation and advance your skills at Excelling Together 2020, Weaver’s Not-for-Profit CPE Series. Our half-day series features presentations and networking opportunities to keep you informed and connected.

Creative Fundraising in a Virtual World: Erica Yaeger, Chief External Affairs Officer, North Texas Food Bank

1:00 – 2:00 PM CST Register

Kicking off our series, Erica Yaeger, Chief External Affairs Officer, North Texas Food Bank, shares her firsthand experience in developing innovative fundraising opportunities that engage donors in our new virtual world.

Communicating with the Board: Rob Nowak, Partner in Tax Services, Weaver

2:30 – 3:30 PM CST Register

Sharing critical financial data can become challenging when board members have varied experience and understanding of not-for-profit accounting. This session offers insight on the financial reports your board finds most valuable and how best to present that information.

Building an Inclusive and Diverse Board
Live Panel Discussion

4:00 – 5:00 PM CST Register

Weaver brings together a panel of not-for-profit diversity experts to discuss the challenges of creating a diverse board and what not-for-profit leaders can do to encourage board participation from all backgrounds.

Dr. Froswá Booker-Drew, Vice President of Community Affairs and Strategic Alliances, State Fair of Texas

Ronnie Hagerty, Assistant Vice President of Community Relations, United Way of Greater Houston

This webinar is for all levels of accountants, finance professionals and CFOs. Please note that each person should register and attend individually in order to receive CPE credit.

We are nearly a week away from celebrating the 2020 Lights On Afterschool in Houston. This year will feel very different because of COVID restrictions, but it has NOT stopped us from creating a list of Spirit Week ideas to help you celebrate both safely and socially distanced with your youth. Post your activities on social media and tag us @out2learnhou and #lightsonhou for an opportunity to win prizes.

In addition to Spirit Week, we have included some awesome downloads to get your social media and virtual meetings into the Light On Afterschool Spirit!

Finally, check out the Instagram Filters created by the Afterschool Alliance to celebrate Lights On Afterschool.


Through funding from the Schweitzer Fellowship, UT Health students and Amaanah Services are launching the Immigrant Health Initiative (IHI) to equip immigrant women with the capacity to take ownership of their own health legacies. Every two weeks, a new short video on a new topic will be posted on social media in three different languages; English, Arabic and Spanish. Please take a few minutes to watch the intro video. Fill the short survey using the link below to help Amaanah Services cover topics that you believe are important. By filling the survey you will also enter for a chance to win a $20 gift card!

Survey Link (English):

English Video:

Survey Link (Arabic):

Arabic video:

Survey link (Spanish):

Spanish video:

With everything that is going on in the world around us, we all can use some positive engagement time and fun! Take some time to unwind, relax, and take a mental break and come play some virtual bingo and other virtual games with A.I.R. Project on our Game Night with AIR! Please note participants must be at least 10 years old.

Take on the challenge of learning something new-origami. Origami is known to help improve mental health & strengthen concentration ability.

Like painting and other forms of art, origami is very calming. Origami has shown to enhance the ability to be aware of what is happening in the moment and focus, it helps develop spatial and perception skills, learn mathematics, refine dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

Origami also is noted for encouraging one the ability to let go of perfectionism and self-judgement as well as proving to be a positive coping mechanism for anxiety and other mental challenges one may face. Often perceived to be very challenging, if one is willing to invest the time and effort into folding a model, they may find origami to be a very relaxing, calming, and satisfactory experience.