The Warren Fellowship for Future Teachers, funded by a generous gift from the Naomi and Martin Warren Family Foundation in Houston, Texas, is developing a corps of pre-service educators who want to learn more about the Holocaust and how to effectively teach about it in their classrooms. The Fellowship was created in 2003 and has more than 400 alumni.
The Warren Fellowship’s main objective is to provide new teachers with the necessary historical and pedagogical tools for teaching about the Holocaust from the onset of their teaching careers. This program will also develop a teacher corps for Holocaust Museum Houston as the Museum continues to expand its educational outreach in Texas and the Southwestern United States.
Upon being named a Warren Fellow, up to eighteen pre-service teachers and two faculty Fellows will participate in a four-day, virtual summer institute hosted by the Holocaust Museum Houston in Houston, Texas. This institute is designed to immerse participants in historical and pedagogical issues related to the Holocaust. Holocaust scholars from across the country will provide historical content, and university faculty and museum educators will provide pedagogical context.
For more information or to apply to the 2021 Warren Fellowship for Future Teachers, please use this link: 2021 Warren Fellowship Application
If you need any additional information, please contact Heleva Bacchus at [email protected] or via phone at 713-527-1642.

The Harvard Graduate School of Education is highlighting the research of esteemed Black education scholars as they discuss their commitments to racial justice in education and research.
This is a community inclusive and open event, so please invite faculty, staff, students, family, friends, and community members within and outside of academia!
Please see below and the flyer attached to learn more about our panelists and their critical scholarship

If you are a high school student or the parent/guardian of a high school student, college might already be on your mind. In preparing for the future, you want to take advantage of every present opportunity.
During the Spring Semester, Education & Charities Foundation of Houston (ECFOH) will be hosting College Readiness Workshops for high school students. These workshops will cover a numbers from top industry professionals. If you are interested, please click here to register.
To learn more about Education & Charities Foundation of Houston, check out their website.
CASE for Kids is launching a Leadership course! This companion to the
Leadership Symposium is a online, self-paced learning resource for
current and aspiring OST leaders to learn more about effective
leadership in a constantly evolving world. It will also provide an
opportunity for learners to connect with other leaders and build
community. This course is meant to encourage reflection and individual
For more information contact Ashley Davis at [email protected]
Now available as part of Amaanah’s Immigrant Health Initiative (IHI) in collaboration with Schweitzer fellows from UT Health, you can now check out the series on IHI’s YouTube channel.
The videos are available in English, Spanish and Arabic. While the first part is dedicated to tips on how to eat healthy, the second highlights some of the available resources including government assistance programs and the work of some local non-profits.
Please feel free to share the videos and check out Amaanah’s site for more services!
Symposium Topics
The online Symposium will explore the topic of quality in OST using a Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality lens. Research is clear that out of school time programs that have quality features provide more social, emotional and academic benefits to young people. Through discussion and
activities, participants will examine how they can provide a safe space for social and emotional growth, facilitate supportive interaction with caring adults, promote student voice to encourage learning and leadership.
Symposium Logistics
Tuesday March 2, is geared for front line staff and Thursday, March 4 will be focused on the supervisory role. Both sessions will begin with a overview and include two 45 minute workshops on quality in safe/supportive environments and learning/leading. Once registered, participants will
receive a link to the overview session and to the workshops. Breaks will be provided. 2 hours of professional development credit will be provided upon completion. Computer/laptops with camera functions are recommended.
March for Our Lives Houston (MFOLH) has been doing very valuable work in the fight for children’s safety. We wanted to pass on their most recent newsletters (attached in English and Spanish). Please read and share this with youth, parents, and networks.
In addition, March for Our Lives Houston are collecting experiences of people who have been affected by gun violence. Please support their work by reading the message below from Mr. Holladay, Communications Sublead of MFOLH, and help us spread the word.
We invite you to subscribe to their bimonthly newsletter! In their newsletter, they share current projects, upcoming events, and different action items that continue in order to further their activism. We hope you will consider subscribing! You can subscribe via their website at
Additionally, one of their goals this year is to expand community outreach by magnifying the voices of those who have had experiences with gun violence, rather than speaking over them. Their first action is to ask readers fill out the attached google form if they would be interested in sharing any experiences, they have had with gun violence for publication in our newsletter. If you have any family members, friends, or coworkers who you believe would be willing to share their story, please forward this to them!
Google Form:
Do you work with someone who you find OUTSTANDING in the out-of-school time field? Are you part of a program that has done STUPENDOUS work during this pandemic. Are you a shining star in your work place?
If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then please nominate yourself, your program, or your colleague to be recognized for their achievements and commitment to this field.
For more information, please reach out to Kathy Evans, [email protected].
BakerRipley Neighborhood Tax Centers
Now, that the holiday season is over, we move in to that time of year again- TAX SEASON!
The Baker Ripley Neighborhood Tax Centers are now offering virtual tax preparation. They are also offering in person preparation at one of their 11 locations by appointment only. In order to keep everyone safe, social distancing and masks are required. All information on how to sign up can be found here:
If you are eligible but did not receive one or either of your stimulus checks (Economic Impact Payments), you will need to file this on your tax return and may be eligible to receive a Recovery Rebate Credit. The tax centers can assist you with that. The tax centers will not have information on the status of your payment but you can utilize the “Get My Payment” tool on the IRS website to check on the status –
United Way SAVE
We are offering again this year United Way SAVE, which is a matched savings program. If you file your taxes through the tax centers and qualify for a refund, you are eligible to open a free savings account with Houston Metropolitan Credit Union. If you save anywhere between $100-$1,000 of your refund in that account through January 2022, you will be matched 25% of what you save (with a maximum match of $250). That’s a great way to boost your savings and reach those 2021 savings goals!
Learn the basics of policy & advocacy during this 16-week paid part time experience
I am writing to you to share a PAID opportunity for current youth leaders to be part of an initiative to promote healthcare access and economic justice. We are seeking passionate youth leaders, ages 18-26, who are looking to become involved in youth activism to join our young advocates program.
We are especially interested in welcoming young people of color, opportunity youth, young people who are parenting, young people in apprenticeships/work based learning and first generation college students into our spring cohort. We have positions open in Austin, Houston, and East Texas.
Young Advocates Would:
- Participate in weekly Friday 4-hour virtual training and design meetings throughout the Spring (February-May 2021)
- Participate in smaller team projects for an additional 6 hours per week
- Receive $15/hr for 10hrs per week
- Connect, partner and network with key organizational leaders and young advocates
- Contribute their voice to our policy work
Browse Resources
Resources for News
- Warren Fellowship for Future Teachers Opportunity
- Black Ed Scholars Speak
- College Readiness Workshops with ECFOH
- CASE for Kids: Leadership Course
- Video Series on Nutrition & Health
- CASE for Kids: Spring Quality Symposium
- March for Our Lives Houston
- CASE for Kids: 2021 Spirit of Excellence Awards and Recognition Program
- BakerRipley Neighborhood Tax Centers & United Way SAVE
- Young Invincibles TX: Young Advocates Program Application (Spring 2021)