
A facilitated dialogue about Racism and Ableism in Higher Ed from the perspective of the director of the UH ASL Interpreting Program, Professor Sharon Hill. Visit the calendar page for more information and registration.

Did you know if you have a library card with the Houston Public Library, that you can have internet access? It’s true. Get online anywhere, anytime with HPL’s Mobile Wifi hotspot. HPL member’s can check out mobile phones, laptops, or tablets. Visit the website for more information on how you or someone you know can benefit from these great options.
The HPL Mobile Bus will start visiting the Dixon Library and McCrane-Kashmere Gardens Neighborhood Library. The Mobile Bus will be in the parking lot.
Where: Dixon Library: 8002 Hirsch Rd. Houston, Tx 77016
Days & Times: Wednesday’s 9am- 4pm and Saturday’s 10am- 4pm
Where: Kashmere Multi- Service Center (Kashmere Gardens) 5411 Pardee St. Houston, Tx 77026 (temporary location)
Days & Times: Monday’s 12pm- 7pm, Tuesday’s 12pm- 4pm, Thursday’s 12pm- 4pm, and Friday’s 9am- 4pm
Visit the website for more information on checking out devices or hotspots.

O2L is committed to expanding access to high quality out-of-school time services to all families in Greater Houston, and we understand that many OST providers are challenged by everyday barriers that negatively impact programming attendance and retention, or youth engagement.
What is the Barrier Buster Request for Proposal?
The Barrier Buster Request for Proposal is an opportunity for O2L to expand its’ reach and support of out-of-school-time. This funding opportunity aims to target barriers which directly impact youth attendance and retention, or youth engagement within out-of-school time programs. OST providers can request up to $10,000 for the cycle in which they apply.
Who can apply?
Any free or fee-based OST provider with a 501c3 status (minimum of 2 years) and serving youth 5-18 years-old during out-of-school time hours. Public and charter schools running an OST program on their campus are eligible to apply for this grant. Schools are encouraged to work with their OST provider (if applicable) or their district’s grant department/ foundation.
For question about the Barrier Buster process email Tiffany Echevarria at [email protected] or Krystal Perez at [email protected]. For questions about e-Cimpact please email [email protected].

What are qualifying Barrier Buster requests?
OST providers face all kinds of barriers that impact their ability to program daily. Barriers include but are not limited to transportation, competing priorities, parent/youth buy-in, incentivizing youth voice, or community awareness of youth programs. Barriers are unique to each community and population of students served. OST providers are the experts of their
communities and best understand their own challenging barrier(s). There are no one-size fits all, you tell us the barrier true to your program, your students, and your community! Please keep in mind, priority will be given to requests that use funds toward direct service.
Notice: COVID-19 and Barrier Buster Requests
For COVID-19 related barriers, priority will be given to projects surrounding direct, future impact on programming attendance and retention, or youth engagement for out-of-school time programs; funds cannot be used to cover previous expenditures or losses.
Qualifying requests will:
• Identify a clear barrier that is a recurring challenge for the OST provider during programming hours. (Funds should be directed to address barriers occurring prior to the end of high school graduation.)
• Provide a clear rational for how the barrier directly impacts youth attendance and retention, or youth engagement.
• Describe how this barrier is unique to the program in the proposed community.
• Provide a clear description for use of Barrier Buster funds requested to address the barrier(s) identified.
• Requests should not exceed $10,000.
What are non-qualifying Barrier Buster requests?
• Requests from for-profit OST providers.
• Requests addressing programming after high school graduation.
• Requests exceeding $10,000.
What are the Requirements?
- Application: Applicants must answer all application questions and submit a program
budget. Applications must be submitted on e-Cimpact. - Project Budget: Please provide a minimum of one price quote for program purchases
over $500. Project Budget should be specific and itemized:
a. Program Revenue (all associated donations, i.e. cash and in-kind)
b. Program Expenses (all items with associated costs; indicate which expenses will
be paid for with O2L Barrier Buster funds.) - Supporting Documents: Applicants must also submit an IRS 501(c)(3) designation letter
(minimum of 2-year status), the most recently completed IRS Form 990 Income Tax
Return (filed within the last 3 years), and a signed copy of the Anti-Terrorism Patriot Act
form (found within the resource center on e-Cimpact).
What is the Timeline?

What are next steps?
- Interested applicants are encouraged to watch the pre-recorded Barrier Buster Proposal
Conference. Details pertaining to this funding process will be provided along with step by
step instructions for how to navigate the e-Cimpact portal. - To obtain a login for e-Cimpact or if you already have a login and need to obtain access
to this application, please email e-Cimpact at [email protected] for your
request. - Attend the upcoming Technical Assistance Call (optional).
What are the grantee requirements?
If awarded Barrier Buster funds, grantees are expected to complete the following:
- Agree to, sign, and return the Service Provider Agreement via email to
[email protected] by the due date assigned. - Use Barrier Buster funds in accordance with the Service Provider Agreement and set
timeline. - Submit Barrier Buster Grantee Report within 30 days of project completion, no later than
June 15, 2020.
For question about the Barrier Buster process email Tiffany Echevarria
at [email protected] or Krystal Perez at [email protected]. For
questions about e-Cimpact please email [email protected].
February’s meeting has a new date and time. Join us on Wednesday March 3rd from 9:30 am- 11:30 am. You will hear from our special guests who will share their experience from the Fall Barrier Buster cycle. Additionally, we will thoroughly review the Spring Barrier Buster grant opportunity- please save your technical questions for that meeting.
Zoom registration is required.
Date: Wednesday March 3rd
Time: 9:30 am- 11:30 am [Do note the time listed on Zoom registration is for the guest speakers].
For questions about Quarterly meeting please contact Krystal Perez ([email protected]).

The Harvard Graduate School of Education is highlighting the research of esteemed Black education scholars as they discuss their commitments to racial justice in education and research.
This is a community inclusive and open event, so please invite faculty, staff, students, family, friends, and community members within and outside of academia!
Please see below and the flyer attached to learn more about our panelists and their critical scholarship
Now available as part of Amaanah’s Immigrant Health Initiative (IHI) in collaboration with Schweitzer fellows from UT Health, you can now check out the series on IHI’s YouTube channel.
The videos are available in English, Spanish and Arabic. While the first part is dedicated to tips on how to eat healthy, the second highlights some of the available resources including government assistance programs and the work of some local non-profits.
Please feel free to share the videos and check out Amaanah’s site for more services!
Browse Resources
Resources for Uncategorized
- TEEN V.I.B.E. Conference
- Celebrate PRIDE Month @ the Y
- iWork Hiring Expo
- An Unlevel Playing Field – the Myth of Access and Equality in Higher Education – A Zoom dialogue
- Houston Public Library Mobile Bus: hotspot check out
- Resources for Winter Storm Uri
- Spring Barrier Buster Grant Opportunity
- O2L Quarterly Meeting
- Black Ed Scholars Speak
- Video Series on Nutrition & Health