We are launching our second Coffee & Quality Learning Cohort focused on storytelling with data through data visualization.

Coffee & Quality Learning Cohort (CQLC) purpose:  The Coffee & Quality Learning Cohort (CQLC) is designed as a community of practice to improve professional competency by engaging in shared inquiry and learning around a specific topic related to data, evaluation, and CQI. The CQLC will be comprised of a small group (10-12 members) that will meet over four months. Each Learning Cohort will include an opportunity to learn and practice storytelling with data through data visualization.   

Invitation and Application:
All interested partners are invited to apply to participate in the Coffee & Quality Learning Cohort.  The attached overview and application includes more information and schedule for the Learning Cohort.  As space is limited, 10-12 individuals will be selected based on quality of application and support from agency.

  • Application Release: Thursday, January 14th  
  • Application Due Date: Friday, January 29th  at 5 pm
  • Decision Notifications: Thursday, February 4th  

Please direct all questions to Jessica Davison, [email protected]