OST Providers and Friends,

We miss seeing you IRL, but we have two virtual opportunities to engage with you coming up in May. Please RSVP here.

  • Out-of-School Time – Planning for Summer: Tuesday, May 5th from 10:30 – 11:30 am
    • Join us for a dialogue around summer. This will include breakout session so we can “share the air.” We are asking for Providers to be ready to share their plans for summer (recruitment, capacity, virtual and in-person programming, needs, etc.). We know things are changing daily but we want to provide space for colleagues to hear from each other about emerging plans. HISD will have a presence on this call and will share their initial insights as well.
  • Out 2 Learn Quarterly Meeting: Tuesday, May 19th from 9:00 – 11:00 am
    • We will hear from content experts to add tools to our toolbox when working with youth (mental health resources, keeping quality at the forefront and mindfulness). We will also reserve time to talk again about summer plans in small groups. We will have a little something for everyone: listening, talking and take-aways.

Please RSVP here. Double check your e-mail address for accuracy before submitting.