For more information and to apply, click here.

United Way of Greater Houston offers an applied Continuous Quality Improvement series called Coffee & Quality designed as a learning community for staff that are tasked with implementing and overseeing continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts in their program and/or agency. The series is an opportunity to network, support professional development, and build knowledge centered around data, evaluation and CQI.

The series features guest and agency speakers with in-depth discussion and dialogue on best practices in data, evaluation, and CQI. Participants should be willing to actively participate in the discussion, share expertise and experience, and work collaboratively within the learning community.

All sessions held from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. via Zoom video conferencing.

RSVP for 2021 Coffee & Quality series through the zoom link for each session.

Thursday, January 142021RSVP for January’s Coffee & Quality Session 
Thursday, March 4, 2021RSVP for March’s Coffee & Quality Session 
Thursday, May 6, 2021RSVP for May’s Coffee & Quality Session 
Thursday, July 15, 2021RSVP for July’s Coffee & Quality Session 
Thursday, September 2, 2021RSVP for September’s Coffee & Quality Session 
Thursday, November 4, 2021RSVP for November’s Coffee & Quality Session

Any questions, please contact: Jessica Davison, [email protected]

Our next Barrier Buster Grant opportunity will be available in February 2021!

What is the Barrier Buster Request for Proposal?

The Barrier Buster Request for Proposal is an opportunity for O2L to expand its’ reach and support of out-of-school-time. This funding opportunity aims to target barriers which directly impact youth attendance and retention, or youth engagement within out-of-school time programs. OST providers can request up to $10,000 for the cycle in which they apply.

Who can apply?

Any free or fee-based OST provider with a 501c3 status (minimum of 2 years) and serving youth 5-18 years-old during out-of-school time hours. 

Public and charter schools running an OST program on their campus are eligible to apply for this grant. Schools are encouraged to work with their OST provider (if applicable) or their district’s grant department/ foundation.

For question about the Barrier Buster process email Tiffany Echevarria ([email protected]) or Krystal Perez ([email protected]). For questions about e-Cimpact please email [email protected].

Our next Barrier Buster Grant opportunity will be available February 2021!

What is the Barrier Buster Request for Proposal?

The Barrier Buster Request for Proposal is an opportunity for O2L to expand its’ reach and support of out-of-school-time. This funding opportunity aims to target barriers that directly impact youth attendance and retention, or youth engagement within OST programs.  OST providers can request up to $10,000 for the cycle in which they apply.

Who can apply?

Any free or fee-based OST provider with a 501c3 status (minimum of 2 years) and serving youth 5-18 years-old during out-of-school time hours.

What are the Requirements?

  1. Application: Applicants must answer all application questions and submit a program budget. To review application questions, see here. Applications must be submitted on e-Cimpact.
  2. Project Budget: Please provide a minimum of one price quote for program purchases over $500. Project Budget should be specific and itemized:
    1. Program Revenue (all associated donations, i.e. cash and in-kind)
    1. Program Expenses (all items with associated costs; indicate which expenses will be paid for with O2L Barrier Buster funds.)
  3. Supporting Documents: Applicants must also submit an IRS 501(c)(3) designation letter (minimum of 2-year status), the most recently completed IRS Form 990 Income Tax Return (filed within the last 3 years), and a signed copy of the Anti-Terrorism Patriot Act form (also found within the resource center on e-Cimpact).
  4. e-Cimpact: All applications and supporting documents must be submitted on e-Cimpact. Please watch the pre-recorded Barrier Buster proposal conference linked in the timeline and next steps below. The URL link to e-Cimpact is required to create a login and to submit a Barrier Buster application.


For questions about the Barrier Buster process email Tiffany Echevarria at [email protected] or Krystal Perez at [email protected]. For questions about e-Cimpact please email [email protected].

Intro to the Active Participatory Approach

Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:30-11:45 am

Youth programs can be optimized for youth needs, motivation, and engagement. The Active-Participatory Approach to youth work was designed to address these goals. This youth-centered approach is the foundation for the Youth Work Methods Series

Active Learning

Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 10:30 am-11:45 am

Do you know the difference between active learning and “hands-on” learning? Giving youth materials is just the beginning. This interactive workshop introduces strategies for incorporating active learning and helps participants create more powerful learning opportunities for youth.

Youth Voice

Thursday, December 10, 2020, 10:30 am -11:45 am

Are you providing young people with authentic, meaningful choices throughout your program? Does your program reflect the input of the youth involved? Research shows that quality programs incorporate youth input at both activity and organizational levels. This workshop will emphasize the importance of offering real choices and meaningful participation to youth, and nurturing youth leadership. This interactive workshop is focused on providing meaningful choices within activities and opportunities for youth input within the youth program itself.

Building Community

Saturday, December 12, 2020, 10:30 am-11:45 am

Do you know what it takes to build an emotionally and physically safe space for youth? Building an emotionally safe community of peers and adults is essential for youth to learn and develop as individuals. This interactive workshop will introduce participants to a variety of activities designed to support the community building process.

Ask, Listen, Encourage

Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 10:30 am- 11:45 am

Do you communicate with youth in a way that makes them feel supported and heard? This workshop introduces communication techniques that help you build more supportive, youth-centered relationships. Participants learn how to ask effective questions, listen actively to youth, and offer youth encouragement rather than praise.

Change your balance with SaverLife.
flat tire, leaky faucet, airplane ticket
Did you know that 39% of Houstonians are unable to cover an unexpected expense of $400 without going into debt, according to the 2020 Kinder Houston Area Survey?
United Way THRIVE, in partnership with JPMorgan Chase and SaverLife, is launching the Houston Saves campaign focused on helping small business owners and their employees build an emergency savings fund through the SaverLife platform. Every month that an individual saves $30, they are matched $20 – for up to 6 months. Participants will also receive $5 just for signing up!
Due to the impact that the pandemic has had on income and savings among small businesses and their employees, the campaign is focusing on that audience, however anyone who is interested in participating is invited to sign up.