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Surviving Quarantine with Your Partner for adults
Skill-building activities are utilized to teach the participant how to establish healthy boundaries and maintain mutually beneficial connections.
Protection Methods
Safer sex is better sex. Our expert sexual health educators are here to provide tips for protecting yourself from pregnancy and STIs.
Los Métodos Anticonceptivos para adultos (Español)
Esta presentación cubre los métodos de protección más utilizados y cómo funcionan para reducir el embarazo no deseado y las infecciones de transmisión sexual.
Sexually Transmitted Infections 201 for adults
The program helps us identify the most common STIs, including HIV. Review modes of transmission, symptoms, treatments and prevention..
Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual 201 para adultos (Español)
El programa nos ayuda a identificar las ITS más comunes, incluido el VIH. Revisar los modos de transmisión, síntomas, tratamientos y prevención.
Real Life. Real Talk para padres/cuidadores (Español)
Real Life. Real Talk.® (RLRT) está diseñado para fomentar un diálogo saludable sobre sexualidad y salud entre padres, adolescentes, familias y comunidades. Este programa aumenta la conciencia, cambia las actitudes, aumenta las conversaciones positivas y significativas de la comunidad y la familia, y fortalece el conocimiento
Cómo Hablar con su hijo sobre Sexualidad para padres/cuidadores (Español)
Esta presentación proporciona a los padres / cuidadores habilidades para comenzar discusiones familiares sobre la salud sexual y la pubertad. Los participantes aprenderán el tiempo recomendado para comenzar a hablar con sus hijos, así como las respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes formuladas por los jóvenes sobre este tema.
How to Talk to Your Child About Sexuality for parents/caregivers
This presentation provides parents/caregivers with skills to begin family discussions about sexual health and puberty. Participants will learn the recommended time to start talking with their child as well as responses for the most commonly asked questions posed by youth on this topic.
Real Life. Real Talk for parents/caregivers
Real Life. Real Talk.® (RLRT) is designed to encourage a healthy dialogue about sexuality and health among parents, teens, families, and communities. This program heightens awareness, shifts attitudes, increases positive, meaningful community and family conversations, and strengthens knowledge.
Supporting Students & Answering Tough Questions for Teachers/Educators
Are you an educator? A counselor? A parent? A mentor? This week we’re thrilled to provide resources for parents and educators to help support students and answer tough questions.
Courts Matter for young adults
Federal courts play a crucial role in deciding on basic legal protections and civil rights of our communities. Join us for a special discussion about where the U.S. Federal court system stands and how you can help protect our reproductive freedoms.
How to Use Your Voice & What You Can Do for young adults
Never be afraid to raise your voice for justice. Join us and learn how to advocate for reproductive freedom.
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships for high school
What do healthy relationships look like and what are the red flags? What are the signs of an abusive relationship? Do you have to have sex to have a healthy relationship? We’re here to answer those questions and give you the tools to recognize healthy behaviors and relationships.
Sexually Transmitted Infections 101 for high school
Have you thought about how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections? Our sex ed experts are providing a medically-accurate, judgement-free session on the facts about STIs.
Protecting Myself- The Basics on Birth Control for high school
Have you sought enthusiastic consent from your partner? Have you talked about birth control & condoms? Our expert sexual health educators are available to answer all your birth control questions.
Stand up Gulf Coast: How to be an Ally for ages 14-18
The power is in YOU to make sure your peers and community are safe. Our expert sexual health educators are empowering teens to be allies where they work, live, and play.
Know Your Facts- Trivia for high school youth
Bring your favorite snack, play games, and test your knowledge of sexual health and other hot topics.
My Future, My Way: Goal Setting for youth 12-14
What’s your future plan? Thinking about what you want in the future makes it easier to make smart decisions today. Teens identify their long-term goals and what impact pregnancy and STIs have on those goals.