During this time of social distancing, we want to help the girl in your life connect and cope. We are so accustomed to asking “How Are You?”, but just asking “How Are You?” can be a REALLY big question especially during times of high stress or anxiety. At Girls Empowerment Network we create spaces where girls can use their voices to share and practice emotional intelligence. We do this by putting structure, predictability, and a routine way to share our feelings with what we call check-in: a way to check our emotional temperature. The prompts — sunny (something positive), cloudy (something you would change), rainbow (something you’re looking forward to) — allow for answers more elaborate than “I’m good” or “I’m fine,” it opens up an assumption-free space, and it builds in a way to follow-up on specific situations. The prompts are girl-friendly and a way for us to enter the girl world with an opportunity to truly hear how they are. When girls feel safe to open-up and share how they’re actually feeling, they feel heard and validated, when their voices are heard and their feelings are acknowledged, they feel powerful, and when they feel powerful, they can be unstoppable.
• We’ve started a YouTube Channel Playlist, Girl Sparks!
• We’re calling our girls and families to see how they’re doing and to learn from them
• We’re refining our self-efficacy increasing curriculum
• We’re working with some of our partner schools to host virtual Girl Connect groups
• We’re creating a resource page on our website for girls and our community
Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media to keep up with what we’ve got going on!