Register today
Wednesday, July 29
2:00 – 3:30 PM ET / 1:00 – 2:30 PM CT/ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PT

Join Youthprise, Minnesota, and Every Hour Counts for Our Thoughts, Our Words, Our Work, an online conversation with young thought leaders and activists in Minnesota’s fight for racial equity on Wednesday, July 29.

About this Event: Our nation is facing two major turning points, the COVID-19 pandemic and our fight for meaningful change in racial inequities and injustice. How are youth leading during this time?

Join us for a forum on what Minnesota’s fight for racial equity looks like and how youth are leading.

Youthprise’s Neese Parker, Youth Engagement Manager, and Shiranthi Goonathilaka, Board Member, Youthprise, will moderate a rousing panel discussion of young activists and thought leaders making a difference in Minnesota and pushing for change in new and meaningful ways.

The Conversation will include:
– Inspiring spoken word performance

Panel focused on:
– Movement building and Black liberation organizing
– School resource officer reform
– Amplifying the actions being called for to end racial injustice and inequality
– Highlighting opportunities for supporting youth leadership
– National updates and next steps

Donations received online will support the panelists’ work in Minnesota and can be made at

This event is brought to you by Youthprise, an organization working to increase equity with and for Minnesota’s Indigenous, Low-Income, and Racially Diverse Youth, and Every Hour Counts, a national coalition working to expand learning opportunities so every young person can thrive.
Register today
 Every Hour Counts is a coalition of citywide organizations that increases access to quality learning opportunities, particularly for underserved students. The organization is a leading voice promoting expanded-learning systems, which provide learning and enrichment through after-school, summer, and other initiatives. Expanded-learning systems help students be more connected to school, build self-confidence, and connect with caring adults, so every student can thrive.
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