Early childhood has been a top priority for Judge Hidalgo since she entered office. Last week, the Judge proposed and Harris County Commissioners Court approved the Early Childhood Impact Fund (ECIF), which will invest up to $10 million in programs and interventions with significant potential to dramatically improve early childhood outcomes in Harris County.
We are now reaching out nationally seeking proposals from public, private, and nonprofit entities for both the implementation of ECIF initiatives and, separately, independent evaluation of those efforts:
· Implementation: Request for Proposals (to apply for ECIF funding to launch or expand early childhood initiatives)
· Evaluation: Request for Proposals (to apply to independently evaluate the ECIF-funded initiatives)
We will hold information sessions for each of the Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Sign up by emailing Sandra Melancon with Harris County Purchasing at [email protected], who will share the relevant call-in information.
· Implementation: Tuesday, November 17th at 2pm (for those interested in applying for ECIF funding, but anyone can attend)
· Evaluation: Thursday, November 19th at 10am (for those interested in applying to serve as independent evaluator, but anyone can attend)
More information can be found here.