Supporting the Whole Child During Restart & Recovery-COVID-19 Response: Webinar Hosted by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the Learning Policy Institute |
Tuesday, May 19, 20204:00 – 5:00 PM EST As the 2019-20 school year winds down virtually, state, district, and school leaders are turning their attention to how school buildings can safely reopen. They are exploring how to evaluate and address learning loss, ensure the physical safety and well-being of everyone in the school building, and support the social, emotional, and mental health of students and teachers. They are also considering the best ways to address trauma their students may have experienced because of the COVID-19 pandemic-especially for traditionally underserved students, including students of color and those from low-income families. Next week, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and Learning Policy Institute (LPI) are hosting a webinar to discuss both how lessons from the science of learning and development can inform restart and recovery plans to support student well-being and learning, as well as how state chiefs are already taking a whole child approach to pandemic response. CCSSO Executive Director Carissa Moffat Miller will facilitate a conversation with Linda Darling-Hammond, President and CEO, LPI and President of the California State Board of Education, as well as state education leaders on the importance of policies and practices that support students’ social, emotional, mental and physical health, and well-being during restart and recovery. The panel will also discuss actions state leaders can pursue in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to support the whole child. Register now. |
At Our Best: Building Youth-Adult Partnerships in Out-of-School Time Settings |
The book series Current Issues in Out-of-School Time, by Information Age Publishing, has spread research, promising practices, and policy perspectives from practitioners to further grow the out-of-school time (OST) field. Karen Pittman and other Forum staff have been featured in the series. The fourth book, At Our Best: Building Youth-Adult Partnerships in Out-of-School Time Settings, brings together the voices of over 50 adults and youth to explore both the promises and challenges of intergenerational work in OST programs. This new volume features empirical research, conceptual essays, poetry, artwork, and engaged dialogue about the complexities of youth-adult partnerships in practice. At Our Best responds to key questions that practitioners, scholars, policymakers, and youth navigate in this work, such as:What role can (or should) adults play in supporting youth voice, learning, and activism?What approaches and strategies in youth-adult partnerships are effective in promoting positive youth development, individual and collective well-being, and setting-level change?What are the tensions and dilemmas that arise in the process of doing this work?And, how do we navigate youth-adult partnerships in the face of societal oppressions such as adultism, racism, and misogyny?Learn more. |
CASEL CARES: SEL Resources During COVID-19 |
As the country and the world absorb the impact of COVID-19, our interconnectedness has never been more clearly on display. Social and emotional learning (SEL) offers a powerful means to support one another – children and adults – during this challenging time. Now, more than ever, we understand how important it is to demonstrate empathy and resilience, build relationships across distance, and call upon our collective resolve to strengthen our schools and our communities. CASEL CARES is a new initiative that connects youth-serving leaders with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s circumstances.Resources and guidance are available, and there is a free, weekly webinar series every Friday on a variety of topics. Learn more. |
COVID-19 Resource Sheet for Opportunity Youth United |
Opportunity Youth United and the Forum’s SparkAction built a dynamic, collaborative sheet to share resources among the Opportunity Youth and youth-organizing community. It includes events and opportunities, funding opportunities, general resources and supports, and a space for community asks. Check it out here. Lashon Amado, Project Director with Opportunity Youth United, and many other leading voices will be speaking on a Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) webinar next Tuesday, 5/19 on the topic of youth, young adults, and allies community response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more and register. |
Recovery and Renewal: Principles for Advancing Public Education Post-Crisis |
The coronavirus pandemic has upended the school year for 50 million American students and revealed the best and worst of public education: the best in terms of the response by so many educators, support staff, students, and parents; the worst in terms of the intense light shone upon inequities that plague our system. As policymakers and education leaders plan to re-open buildings for the 2020-21 school year, they face important questions about how to capitalize on strengths and finally deal with weaknesses. There must be an open discussion of the inequities outside of school – like food insecurity, the digital divide, and the uneven experience of stress and trauma – that is replicated and exacerbated by pervasive inequity inside of school. In a new paper, the Aspen Institute’s Education & Society Program proposes five principles to guide recovery and renewal: 1. Ensuring equity and engagement 2. Using a holistic view to set a coherent strategy 3. Being guided by the science of learning 4. Taking a long-term view of student success 5. Setting an agenda for innovation Read more. |
Framing Adolescent Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Even during these uncertain times, it’s a sure thing that adolescents-young people between childhood and adulthood-are still developing biologically, socially, and emotionally. It’s also a sure thing that some of the necessary conditions for healthy adolescent development have been disrupted by COVID-19. Adolescence is a time when youth need safe and satisfying ways to go to new places, form new relationships, and test out new ideas and experiences-but exploration and stay-at-home measures don’t mix well. It’s a stage when it’s important to maintain academic trajectories- but unequal access to critical resources like computers and the internet means some young people will get off track. It’s a time when skills to manage strong emotions and setbacks are developing-but with so many worries about family health and finances, and so many new responsibilities for sibling care, the situation could outpace young people’s ability to cope in healthy ways. Frameworks Institute just released a brief guide, suggesting five ways we can help to reframe the conversation about adolescent development in this challenging time. Learn more. |
Good for Tech Fest 2020 is an upcoming conference focused on social change using technology to achieve it. Brighthive is one of the featured sponsors with a spot in the keynote and 2 sessions. The event is free and the agenda is jam packed with relevant sessions to support our current work (e.g. CQI, data management, grant reporting, etc.) as well as forward-thinking within Second Century Vision. Session topics include:
- Designing Technology for End Users
- Getting More Out of Story and Grantee Report Data When Tracking Social Change
- Data Mindset: Building an engaged culture of learning within your organization
- Moving from Data Sharing to Data Collaboration
- Nonprofit Data Sharing: How the Chicago Benchmarking Collaborative Improves Pre-K Literacy and Math Skills for Low-Income Children
But this really only scratches the surface of the session offerings. The agenda and speaker information can be found here.
Here is the link to register for online access to Methods Training. About half of the sessions are available now; and free access is until the end of June.
Register here!
Register HERE to attend. Access information will be sent the morning before the call. This COVID-19 briefing for nonprofits will provide a medical update, guidelines on opening safely, and ideas on how to engage volunteers. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions.

The Greater Houston Partnership, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston and Volunteer Houston invite you to a COVID-19 briefing tailored to nonprofit professionals.
Thursday, May 21, 2020 @ 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
We will discuss:
- Fighting COVID-19 | Where we stand, the stats and what the next few months will look like
- Opening Up | Steps nonprofits can take to reopen
- Re-engaging Volunteers | Special considerations in COVID-19 times
- Dr. Marc Boom, CEO, Houston Methodist
- Martin B. Cominsky, President & CEO, Interfaith Ministries
- Rev. Greg Han, Director, Interfaith Relations and Education, Interfaith Ministries
- Bob Harvey, President & CEO, Greater Houston Partnership
- Dr. James T. McDeavitt, Sr. Vice President and Dean of Clinical Affairs, Baylor College of Medicine
- Brooke Parkinson, CNP, Director of Volunteer Houston
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The world has dramatically changed with COVID-19. Now, we all have to redefine our outcomes, business model, engagement with volunteers, donors and clients, our community engagement and leadership, and the very reasons we do what we do. Is our theory of change still relevant and are there revenue streams to support it? Leadership in the new world means more than the ability to raise awareness of problems and money, now we’ll have to create measurable positive social change to be a viable social enterprise in the future. Our organizational leaders will have to define a clear direction toward making impact on complex social problems. We must engage all three sectors in the work necessary to achieve outcomes that everybody, including those we’re serving, agree on. This is what a “reboot” of an independent sector business looks like. Key themes explored will include: Is our theory of change relevant post COVID-19? How leaders engage other leaders in a longer-term focus? Understanding the new charitable marketplace Building a board and governance structure for the new marketplace From mission-based leaders to community leaders, the evolving role of board members and executives |
Register |
Event Details: Thursday, May 21, 2020 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. EST Location: Webinar Speakers: Mark Brewer, President & CEO, Central Florida Foundation Our webinar series gives nonprofit leaders like you the power to drive impact in the community by connecting you to tools, resources and expertise. This thought leadership opportunity focuses on topics such as leadership development, nonprofit sustainability, industry trends and innovative approaches to economic mobility. By sharing expertise more broadly with partners, we hope to be part of the solution, advancing more inclusive communities that offer economic opportunity for all. How to Register: All participants are required to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email including the link to the webinar and the bridgeline. If you have previously registered for our webinar series, you can click on the link, login, go to the bottom and click register for the webinar. Registration will be accepted up until May 20. |
Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday! We will continue to hold a standing call for the OST community on Tuesdays at 10:30 am. Please register for future calls. We kindly ask that you register so that we can continue to keep the call secure.
Please note: The meeting starts at 9:00 on Tuesday, May 19th as we will host Out 2 Learn Quarterly on that day.
- REOPENING guidance: here , here and here
- Connect with DiscoverU to help with recruitment of middle school and high school youth
- Visit the Out 2 Learn Website to list your programming or e-mail Krystal Perez ([email protected]) for assistance. See examples here
As always, reach out with questions or ideas. We are looking for resources on COPPA laws to share with group.
Thank you all so much for your commitment to youth!
Please follow this link to retrieve valuable information from the City of Houston on how to prevent COVID-19 and practices to implement to protect high-risk individuals!
Since 2015, Out 2 Learn has partnered with the David P. Weikart Center to provide training, technical assistance, and coaching to implement a continuous quality improvement cycle in out of school time sites. Each year the Weikart Center has collected survey feedback from participating sites to understand the experience and impact of past year’s efforts and to inform decision-making for the next year.
In response to the current pandemic and necessary programming adjustments, the Weikart Center will be hosting multiple one-hour online focus groups on May 7th at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm to learn more about program quality efforts during the 2019-2020 program year, current challenges and opportunities, and suggested priorities for the upcoming 2020-2021 program year.
To participate and share your feedback, please register by Monday, May 4th 2020.
OST Providers and Friends,
We miss seeing you IRL, but we have two virtual opportunities to engage with you coming up in May. Please RSVP here.
- Out-of-School Time – Planning for Summer: Tuesday, May 5th from 10:30 – 11:30 am
- Join us for a dialogue around summer. This will include breakout session so we can “share the air.” We are asking for Providers to be ready to share their plans for summer (recruitment, capacity, virtual and in-person programming, needs, etc.). We know things are changing daily but we want to provide space for colleagues to hear from each other about emerging plans. HISD will have a presence on this call and will share their initial insights as well.
- Out 2 Learn Quarterly Meeting: Tuesday, May 19th from 9:00 – 11:00 am
- We will hear from content experts to add tools to our toolbox when working with youth (mental health resources, keeping quality at the forefront and mindfulness). We will also reserve time to talk again about summer plans in small groups. We will have a little something for everyone: listening, talking and take-aways.
Please RSVP here. Double check your e-mail address for accuracy before submitting.
APRIL 10 Building Resilience to Support Ourselves, Others, + Our Students During this time of crisis, educators face not only the stress of changes in their own lives and in their families, but also their deep concerns about the well-being of their students and families. What can we do to support ourselves, our colleagues and students? This practice-based webinar will provide helpful tools and experiences educators can use to build their resilience and support their well-being. Participate in these practices to enhance your emotional awareness and compassion for both your own self-care and the care and nurturing of others. |
![]() Mark Greenberg, Ph.D. Co-Founder, CASEL and Bennett Chair of Prevention Research, Penn State University | ![]() Christa Turksma, Co-developer, Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE) program | ![]() |
APRIL 17 Let’s Listen to Our Young People: What Support Do They Need? Are adults providing students with what they need during this crisis? Join CASEL for a discussion with Joshua P. Starr Ed.D. (CEO, PDK International) and Educators Rising high school students. PDK’s recent survey shares more from high school students on what kind of social and emotional supports they need, and from educators on what they’re providing. During this webinar, we’ll look at the student voice data together and invite high school students to discuss strategies for bridging that gap. |
Browse Resources
Resources for Providers
- News from the Forum and the Field about Collaborative Work to get Young People Ready by 21
- Good for Tech Fest 2020 – FREE Professional Development
- QUALITY TRAINING: Free Access to CYPQ Online Courses
- Special COVID-19 Briefing for Nonprofit Professionals and Leaders
- DRIVING IMPACT WEBINAR SERIES: “The New Normal Requires a New Kind of Leadership from the Independent Sector – 5/21/20
- Follow-up: Out-of-School Time Planning for Summer 5/5/20 10:30 am
- Important Info on Preventing COVID-19 and Protecting High-risk Individuals
- Out 2 Learn QUALITY Focus Group Registration
- RSVP: Planning for Summer & Out 2 Learn Quarterly
- CASEL CARES Webinar Series