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Register today Wednesday, July 29 2:00 – 3:30 PM ET / 1:00 – 2:30 PM CT/ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PT Join Youthprise, Minnesota, and Every Hour Counts for Our Thoughts, Our Words, Our Work, an online conversation with young thought leaders and activists in Minnesota’s fight for racial equity on Wednesday, July 29. About this Event: Our nation is facing two major turning points, the COVID-19 pandemic and our fight for meaningful change in racial inequities and injustice. How are youth leading during this time? Join us for a forum on what Minnesota’s fight for racial equity looks like and how youth are leading. Youthprise’s Neese Parker, Youth Engagement Manager, and Shiranthi Goonathilaka, Board Member, Youthprise, will moderate a rousing panel discussion of young activists and thought leaders making a difference in Minnesota and pushing for change in new and meaningful ways. The Conversation will include: – Inspiring spoken word performance Panel focused on: – Movement building and Black liberation organizing – School resource officer reform – Amplifying the actions being called for to end racial injustice and inequality – Highlighting opportunities for supporting youth leadership – National updates and next steps Donations received online will support the panelists’ work in Minnesota and can be made at This event is brought to you by Youthprise, an organization working to increase equity with and for Minnesota’s Indigenous, Low-Income, and Racially Diverse Youth, and Every Hour Counts, a national coalition working to expand learning opportunities so every young person can thrive. Register today |
Every Hour Counts is a coalition of citywide organizations that increases access to quality learning opportunities, particularly for underserved students. The organization is a leading voice promoting expanded-learning systems, which provide learning and enrichment through after-school, summer, and other initiatives. Expanded-learning systems help students be more connected to school, build self-confidence, and connect with caring adults, so every student can thrive. |
CLIMATE CHANGE EMERGENCYCLASS SERIES: SAT. 8/1 AND 8/15 10:00AM – 11:30AM **ZOOM LIVE CLASSES – Complimentary- Reserve your ticket here.
** Plan to attend both classes to get the most out of the presentations.
CLASS 1: Sat. 8/1: Introduction to Climate Change: The Problems and the Solutions. Jim Blackburn will present an overview of the problem of climate change that will be the KEY issue facing the world in the 21st Century. Blackburn will summarize the changes in our Texas and global climate that have been forecast, and he will present a range of solutions that will redefine our current economic, agricultural and industrial models.

Presenter: Jim Blackburn is a Professor in the Practice in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Rice University, co-director of Rice University’s Severe Storm (SSPEED) Center and a Faculty Scholar at Rice’s Baker Institute where he is leading a project to development of a United States standard for storing carbon in the soil of prairies and grasslands. He is both an environmental lawyer and planner and has written two books about the Texas coast with the most recent – A Texan Plan for the Texas Coast –released in October 2017 by Texas A&M Press. Jim was selected a Rice University Alumni Laureate in 2018.

CLASS 2: Sat. 8/15: Plants and Food in a Changing Climate. This second part of the series focuses on the looming threats to the food supply and reasonable avenues for changing the trajectory explained in Class 1. Reforestation has high potential not only because forests sequester carbon in many ways, but also because they use water to cool the planet and produce more plants. Various efforts to diversify, improve, and localize our food supply are surveyed together with opportunities to support them.

Presenter: Bob Randall, PhD. Dr. Randall is a food systems anthropologist and permaculture designer with a five-decade involvement in food systems both as a researcher, educator, and activist. He helped found and direct Urban Harvest for 14 years and is a board officer of both OHBA-Organic Educators and the Permaculture Institute of North America. His best-selling 2019 book Year-Round Food Gardening for Houston and Southeast Texas explains how to adjust food plant lists and planting schedules to the ever-warming climate. Dr. Randall has been teaching about ways to reverse climate change since 1999
Hello Nonprofit Partners,
Please share the following Microsoft and City of Houston opportunity with your sites, student body, and other community partners.
Participants between the ages of 18 – 26 with an interest in digital technology careers can join the Virtual Symposium on Digital Technology Careers on Monday, June 22nd and Tuesday, June 23rd. Each day will be filled with workshops focused on: online learning and virtual collaboration; Post-COVID career opportunities in digital technology; emerging technologies in industry and society; and pathways to industry and higher education.
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HCDE CASE for Kids is researching a more comprehensive picture of how the Out-of-School Time (OST) community is being impacted by COVID-19. Information collected through this survey will be used to inform community decision-makers of the damage to the OST community and to record needed resources to support the re-opening and recovery of our field. Please help us achieve a full picture of what is happening in OST, complete the survey here. |
Register for future calls, here!
This is a repost from the We Stories’ Blog!
We’re all adjusting to life being lived exclusively from our homes, and more times than not, that can have one grasping for something new to do. With help from the local library, we’ve got you covered! Hoopla and Libby/Overdrive have been lifesaver apps in the age of self-quarantining, and we want to share some of the gems we found while sifting through both platforms. Below you’ll find lists for the whole family, no matter their age!
In case you don’t have a library card yet, you can head here to register for one from the St. Louis County Library system, or visit your local library’s website to find out how you can get a card online. Happy Reading!
Picture Book Recs:
- Alma and How She Got Her Name
- Fry Bread
- Big Mooncake for Little Star (Also a video short on Hoopla!)
- Birdsong
- Someone New
- The Undefeated
- The Day You Begin
- Carmela Full of Wishes
- Sulwe
- Last Stop on Market Street
- King of Kindergarten
- Trombone Shorty
Young Adult Book Recs:
- Dragon Pearl
- Children of Virtue and Vengeance
- Sal & Gabi Break the Universe
- A Good Kind of Trouble
- Pet
- Look Both Ways
- Black Enough: Stories of Being Young & Black in America
- Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky
Adult Book Recs:
- The Water Dancer
- Southern History Across the Poverty Line
- White Fragility
- The New Jim Crow
- They Were Her Property
- The Color of Law
- An Indigenous People’s History of the US
- Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
Houston Coalition Against Hate
Houston Coalition Against Hate (HCAH) is a network of community-based
organizations, institutions and leaders in Houston that have come together to collectively address and prevent incidents of hate, bias, discrimination and violence against Houstonians on the basis of their religion, race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity/expression, disability, age, sexual orientation, and immigration status.
The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB)
The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB), is a national and international collective of anti-racist, multicultural community organizers and educators dedicated to building an effective movement for social transformation.
Founded by Glenn E. Singleton in 1992, Pacific Educational Group is committed to achieving racial equity in the U.S. and beyond. We engage in sustained partnerships featuring training, coaching and consulting with organizations to transform beliefs, behaviors, and results so people of all races can achieve at their highest levels and live their most empowered and powerful lives.
Based in Fort Worth, Texas, the Multicultural Alliance® promotes inclusive communities, working toward the elimination of bias, bigotry, and oppression and encouraging understanding and equity through shared experiences and educational programming.
Please review this excellent resource from Dallas Afterschool. This summary document provides step by step details on reopening recommendations published by the state.

Available on iTunes, Podbean, our ever you listen to your favorite podcast.
This episode of the Making Afterschool Cool Podcast features the Out 2 Learn resource network. Initiated in 2017, Out 2 Learn is a collaborative initiative dedicated to increasing access to and improving the quality of out-of-school time (OST) opportunities in Greater Houston. This is a collaborative effort led by Houston Endowment, the City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Education, Harris County Department of Education’s CASE for Kids, and United Way of Greater Houston. Out 2 Learn is a valuable resource for parents in Houston to find out-of-school and afterschool programs that will benefit and engage their children.
During this this podcast you will learn about:
· The purpose of Out 2 Learn
· Other similar quality initiatives in Texas and United States
· Out 2 Learn as a resource for youth service providers
· Out 2 Learn as a resource for parents
· Future funding opportunities related to COVID-19
Tiffany Echevarria has served the community for over seven years through various capacities. She is tremendously grateful for the opportunity to have served as an AmeriCorps member implementing an afterschool program. She credits that experience for inspiring her dedication to the OST field. Tiffany currently manages grant processes aimed at strengthening programs that support youth ages five to early adulthood. She also supports several projects that convene partners to work collaboratively, including Out 2 Learn.
Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund
Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund — Inquiry Fund
Browse Resources
Resources for Providers
- Every Hour Counts – Virtual Forum on Minnesota’s Fight for Racial Equity
- Urban Harvest – Climate Change Emergency Class Series
- Microsoft and City of Houston Virtual Symposium on Digital Technology Care
- Out-of-School Time COVID-19 Community Impact Survey
- Register for Weekly Out-of-School Time Summer Planning Calls
- Resources to Build a Culture of Anti-Racism
- Dallas Afterschool Covid-19 Reopening Summary and Guidance
- Reopening Guidance
- Making Afterschool Cool Podcast