
OST Providers and Friends,

We miss seeing you IRL, but we have two virtual opportunities to engage with you coming up in May. Please RSVP here.

  • Out-of-School Time – Planning for Summer: Tuesday, May 5th from 10:30 – 11:30 am
    • Join us for a dialogue around summer. This will include breakout session so we can “share the air.” We are asking for Providers to be ready to share their plans for summer (recruitment, capacity, virtual and in-person programming, needs, etc.). We know things are changing daily but we want to provide space for colleagues to hear from each other about emerging plans. HISD will have a presence on this call and will share their initial insights as well.
  • Out 2 Learn Quarterly Meeting: Tuesday, May 19th from 9:00 – 11:00 am
    • We will hear from content experts to add tools to our toolbox when working with youth (mental health resources, keeping quality at the forefront and mindfulness). We will also reserve time to talk again about summer plans in small groups. We will have a little something for everyone: listening, talking and take-aways.

Please RSVP here. Double check your e-mail address for accuracy before submitting.

Dear Agency Partner,

I wanted you to be one of the first to know that Amanda McMillian has been appointed the next President and CEO of United Way of Greater Houston effective May 1. She is a collaborative, caring, and forward-thinking leader who is passionate about our Second Century Vision. Please read the news release that gives you more details. You may also click here to hear from Amanda.

She is looking forward to connecting with you as soon as she can.

Thank you for all you are doing every day to make this community a better place, especially during these difficult times.

Armando Perez
Chair of the Board of Trustees, United Way of Greater Houston
Executive Vice President, H-E-B Houston


Have a girl in grades 3rd – 12th? Both of you can experience Girls Empowerment Network’s live programs and resources from the comfort of your own home. Do a quick tutorial, download an activity, or connect with others in our network through a live workshop to combat stress, anxiety or anything that may be on your mind.

Writers in the Schools offers free, public programs to help students continue their learning and engage with poetry while at home, and we are working to build out more options. The landing page link is here: Virtual Learning with WITS. A brief description of each current program is below.

  • QuickWITS is a free 15-minute online writing experience for K-5 students
  • WITS U is a series of interactive poetry writing workshops for youth in grades 6-12
  • Free Verse is a monthly open mic series for youth ages 13-19.
  • WITS + Discovery Green is a virtual version of our monthly Youth Poetry Session (usually held at Discovery Green Park). The next session is May 1.

Y Teen L.I.F.E. Power Hour: Mental Health Break –Thursday (4/14/20) @ 4pm
Register Now

Y Teen L.I.F.E. – Let’s Talk Mental Health with Loizza Aquino – Thursday (4/16/20) @ 4pm
Now is the time, more than ever, to show support and love for one another. Join us in talking about ways and strategies to help you through this time. We CAN and WILL get through this together! Learn more about Loizza, follow her on Instagram @loizzaaquino!
Register Now

Y Teen L.I.F.E. – Friday Night Live: Karaoke – Friday (4/17/20) @ 6:30pm
Bruno Mars has entered the chat. Start your vocal warm-ups now because things are about to go down! Join us for Friday Night LIVE KARAOKE!! DM us on Instagram @yteenlife for song requests, and while you are there, give us a follow!
Register Now

APRIL 10 Building Resilience to Support Ourselves, Others, + Our Students   During this time of crisis, educators face not only the stress of changes in their own lives and in their families, but also their deep concerns about the well-being of their students and families. What can we do to support ourselves, our colleagues and students? This practice-based webinar will provide helpful tools and experiences educators can use to build their resilience and support their well-being. Participate in these practices to enhance your emotional awareness and compassion for both your own self-care and the care and nurturing of others. 

Mark Greenberg, Ph.D. Co-Founder, CASEL and Bennett Chair of Prevention Research, Penn State University

Christa Turksma, Co-developer, Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE) program
Velma Cobb Ed.D. Director, Lander Center for Educational Research
Register today
Let’s Listen to Our Young People: What Support Do They Need?
Are adults providing students with what they need during this crisis? Join CASEL for a discussion with Joshua P. Starr Ed.D. (CEO, PDK International) and Educators Rising high school students. PDK’s recent survey shares more from high school students on what kind of social and emotional supports they need, and from educators on what they’re providing. During this webinar, we’ll look at the student voice data together and invite high school students to discuss strategies for bridging that gap.
Register today

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, CSBH will be hosting a Virtual Art Showcase in place of the in-person showcase. The Virtual Art Showcase will still allow the community to celebrate youth and their expression of emotions using art. The art will be featured in an on-line gallery on Mental Health America of Greater Houston’s Facebook Page.

The theme: Art in the Face of COVID-19


  • Participants must be 5 to 20 years old
  • Each piece must be original
  • Only one submission per youth
  • Although the theme has shifted CSBH realizes some have created pieces related to the original theme ‘What My Feelings Look Like’ and CSBH will still accept these pieces as well.
  • Pieces can be collage, mixed media, drawings, mosaics, needlework, paint, photography, or sculpture

How to Enter:

  • Email a scanned or photographed copy of the art piece and a completed consent form to [email protected]
  • The consent form can be printed, completed, then scanned, or it can be completed in Word and sent
  • Pieces can be scanned or photographed (please send high resolution photos so people can see the work as clearly as possible; please do not send the actual art as CSBH, like many other businesses, are working remotely)
  • CSBH will accept pieces through Friday, May 8th at 5 PM CST
  • Winners of the following categories will each receive via mail a $50 Texas Art Supply Gift Card!
  • Most Likes (piece which receives the most likes in the CSBH virtual gallery; winner selected on Friday, May 15th)
  • Thinking Outside the Box
  • Moved Beyond Words
  • Most Innovative Approach
  • Parents may submit art on behalf of their children
  • Pieces may not contain vulgar language, nudity, or lewd/suggestive images or phrases

Click here for the application!

Just Add Beats now has a Level 1 audio production online course available for free this month teaching kids how to create audio works with their phones.  Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested:  

How to get it:

Visit Just Add Beat’s website and use promo code OUT2LEARN at checkout for a 100% discount during the month of April.

Collaborative for Children and Workforce Solutions, in partnership with the City of Houston, Harris County and other community partners, will match you with high-quality child care that best suits your family’s needs. And, you can apply for financial assistance to offset child care expenses from Workforce Solutions.

Register in English

Register in Spanish



If you, or anyone in your household, have tested positive for COVID-19, have a case “under investigation,” or have been determined presumptively positive and asked to quarantine, DO NOT APPLY for child care services and follow the advice of health care professionals.

If you only need financial assistance and do not wish to complete the above online registration form, you may download a pdf file attached.