Our next Barrier Buster Grant opportunity will be available February 2021!

What is the Barrier Buster Request for Proposal?

The Barrier Buster Request for Proposal is an opportunity for O2L to expand its’ reach and support of out-of-school-time. This funding opportunity aims to target barriers that directly impact youth attendance and retention, or youth engagement within OST programs.  OST providers can request up to $10,000 for the cycle in which they apply.

Who can apply?

Any free or fee-based OST provider with a 501c3 status (minimum of 2 years) and serving youth 5-18 years-old during out-of-school time hours.

What are the Requirements?

  1. Application: Applicants must answer all application questions and submit a program budget. To review application questions, see here. Applications must be submitted on e-Cimpact.
  2. Project Budget: Please provide a minimum of one price quote for program purchases over $500. Project Budget should be specific and itemized:
    1. Program Revenue (all associated donations, i.e. cash and in-kind)
    1. Program Expenses (all items with associated costs; indicate which expenses will be paid for with O2L Barrier Buster funds.)
  3. Supporting Documents: Applicants must also submit an IRS 501(c)(3) designation letter (minimum of 2-year status), the most recently completed IRS Form 990 Income Tax Return (filed within the last 3 years), and a signed copy of the Anti-Terrorism Patriot Act form (also found within the resource center on e-Cimpact).
  4. e-Cimpact: All applications and supporting documents must be submitted on e-Cimpact. Please watch the pre-recorded Barrier Buster proposal conference linked in the timeline and next steps below. The URL link to e-Cimpact is required to create a login and to submit a Barrier Buster application.


For questions about the Barrier Buster process email Tiffany Echevarria at [email protected] or Krystal Perez at [email protected]. For questions about e-Cimpact please email [email protected].